Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday friends! I've had a pretty great week so far, and I hope you have too. The husband is traveling this week, so I loaded the boys up and we spent the first half of the week in Oklahoma visiting my parents. My mom is staying at my Grandmother's trying to clean things out and get the house ready to sell, and my dad conveniently lives about five minutes away from her place, so now we get to see both of them in one trip!

And goodness, do my boys love their grandparents. When we left last night I stopped to get gas before leaving town, and from the backseat I heard Grayson say "Mommy? I miss Nana and Papaw". We hadn't even been in the car for three whole minutes! I would say that's a pretty good indication that we need to spend lots of time visiting this summer :) So on that note, let's get to the list!

1. Fun Grandparents (obviously)

Never have I been more aware of how lucky the boys and I are to have my parents than this past few days. And of course I'm including the husband's parents in this list, because they are just as important and special to my sweet boys as my own parents are. One thing I can say with certainty is that my boys are ABUNDANTLY loved by all four of their grandparents. They are spoiled and loved on and cared for so sweetly, and there is so much laughter shared between all of them that it really makes my heart happy. Plus, it's so helpful to me to be able to relax a bit and know that there are other capable adults who love my babies just as much as me who are there to help out - mama never goes off duty, but the help is so appreciated!

2. Sunshine!!!

Now, I'm not a huge summer-lover, but I'm almost 100% positive that this is only because I've spent all but one of my summers on this earth living in either Texas or Oklahoma, where it isn't just hot, but it is actually PAINFULLY hot, daily, for months on end. I hate that type of heat. But, we're kind of in a sweet spot right now. We've had almost a week straight of beautiful sunny days, and the highs are hovering right around 90, which is so doable. The sunshine makes me happy. It truly makes my day better by leaps and bounds when it is sunny and warm outside. So this has been a good week for me.

3. My Church

This is another one I would have never thought would be on the list, because just a few months ago the thought of church made me a little sick to my stomach if we're being honest. But the church that I've found and have been attending regularly is totally flipping my idea of what church is upside down. The people are so genuine and it's such a laid-back and comfortable environment, and I love the teaching of both of the senior pastors. They're doing a series right now on prayer, and it has been so eye-opening and helpful to me with where I'm at in my life right now.

4. Endless Possibilites

There are so, so, so many things I want to do and accomplish in this life, and it's so amazing to think that the majority of them are totally possible. I'm actually trying to flip-flop my thinking on this, because usually I'm totally overwhelmed by the thought of all that I want to accomplish and the HUGE task of figuring out how to do any of it. But I'm working on seeing all of these dreams as just big opportunities that I have the good fortune of trying to make work. I'm also taking a more hands-off approach to things and relying more on nudges from God to see where to go and what to do, and that's making a big difference in taking some of the pressure off. So today I'm going to be thankful for all of the possibilities in life and hope and pray that I can begin moving toward putting some things in action!

1 comment

  1. Love this thankful list! I'm so happy you have found a wonderful church and that you are relying on God more to know which direction to go.


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