Thankful Thursday

I can't even believe I am writing this right now, because I am SO TIRED and SO OVERWHELMED and I really just need to sleep. But yet here we are.

Things have been super quiet around here the past couple of weeks - you can take a look at that first paragraph to see why ;) We've got so much going on right now that I feel like I'm running a marathon from the time I wake up in the morning until the second I crash at night. Thankfully, things should slow down after this weekend. Which leads in nicely to my first thankful thing.

1. It's Almost May!!!

I am so super thankful that it is almost May. There is nothing exciting about May this year, and that is precisely the point. April is my favorite month of the year, because I love the spring weather and everything starts turning green and it's just so nice and sunshiny almost every single day. HOWEVER. This April has been freaking nuts and I am so glad it's almost over. Hallelujah!

2. Awesome Friends

I've had some good friend time this month, and it has been great. I've had some fun girls dinners, I got to catch up with a couple of my favorites at a bachelorette party, and we had so many sweet friends come to Grayson's birthday party last Sunday. I am also thankful for his sweet little friends, because they are stinkin cute and it's so fun to watch them all grow up. We invited 18 kids to his party this year and 16 showed up, so it was mass chaos, but it's seriously so adorable and I'm so happy that he has so many fun friends in his life that he cares about. Good friends rock, you guys.

3. A Lack of Tornadoes

We were supposed to have some crazy wicked weather yesterday, and it turned out to be just some long lasting, very loud thunderstorms with lots of rain and some hail. That, my friends, is nothing. I am from Oklahoma, and thunderstorms are no big thang, and tornadoes are pretty much to be expected this time of the year. But that doesn't make me hate them any less. And man do I hate them. So I'm super thankful that we've made it this far into spring without having to dive into our little "safe spot" in our house.

4. Hilarious Children

Meaning, my hilarious child. Grayson has been so dang funny lately. I spend so much time laughing at that kid. I have so many stories to share on this front that I really just need to do another "Grayson says" post. The thing that made me laugh tonight at bedtime was him thinking Gavin crying was the TV. I thought he was asleep, and all of the sudden he popped up and said "Oh! I hear that TV! That's one of my shows". I said "No it's not, shhh, go to sleep." A minute later he said "Oh, there's that TV again. " I told him to go to sleep again, and he said "I can't. I hear that TV. That TV is "stracken" me." I was confused for a second, then figured out that he meant it was distracting him.

He's also told me I'm an interesting mommy and told the husband "Mommy is SO weird." within the last few days. That vocabulary of his is really expanding.

5. My MOM

I mentioned her for my last thankful post, but seriously, what would I do without her?!? Like I said, this past couple of weeks has been insane, and she is pretty much the only thing keeping me from total meltdown mode. She's helping wrangle my children, helping with laundry, helping clean my house....I don't think I would have made it through without her. Moms are the best!

Alright, I'm going to bed. Have a fabulous thankful Thursday, kids.

1 comment

  1. I'm so glad you did a Thankful Thursday post. I love reading about what you are thankful for because it reminds me to take a moment and do the same and that is something we all could use more of.


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