House Hunters

Oh my. Guys. This whole selling a house/buying a house thing is for the birds. My little brain constantly feels like someone is scrambling it around with a spoon or something. There is just SO much to do to get the house ready to sell, and then finding a new one is SO overwhelming! Plus, I'm scared that if I find "the one" it won't matter, because no one will accept an offer until our house is under contract...and who knows when that will happen? BUT, if I don't continue to look and it sells super fast, then I'll have no ideas of what I want and will have to start frantically searching. Ahhh!

But at the same time I'm getting super excited to have a new house with more room! A is constantly reminding me that much bigger families than ours live in smaller houses and are just fine, which I understand. But I also understand that we have a chance now to get a house with an extra bedroom or a study or a playroom....or maybe all three! I get a little giddy when I think about it. And then when I let my mind slip away and start daydreaming about all of the decorating I'll get to head spins. Seriously, I'm so excited.

But before we get there, we have to sell this place. We've been doing all of the boring stuff you do before you sell a house: garage door tune ups, cleaning every nook and cranny, having the carpets cleaned, putting away all the clutter, blah blah blah. I'm so ready for this part of it to be over and the fun to begin! I mean, I'm just assuming the house is going to sell and we're actually moving. If not, I guess at least we'll have a really clean house?

I've decided I'm going to take a bunch of photos of the house and do a little house tour before we are out of here since I never really finished doing it. I did a post on a few little changes we made almost two years ago, a post about updates to the master bathroom, another on the (very minimal) kitchen updates we did...and I think that's it! So there is a whole lot that I've never shared with you guys, and I'd really love to capture it anyway for my future memories since I forget basically everything.

Anyway, they are coming to take the "official" photos to post online with the listing today or tomorrow, so maybe I'll take that time to do mine, too. I really wish I had a fancy camera so it would look pretty and perfect, but, A doesn't see the need for me spending like $700 on a camera, so you'll have to deal with my little Sony Cyber-shot. Alright. See y'all on the flip side. (I'm not gonna lie, I don't even really know what that means)


  1. We are just starting to save for a down payment and that alone has my head spinning so I really cannot imagine! GOOD LUCK lady!

  2. I know that everything will work out. Just think this time next year you will be in your new house. All of this hard work will be worth it.


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