I started the day out by realizing that I never invested in one of those cute "This is my first 4th of July" outfits for the poor little guy. So Nana and I went out to Target in search of something. And wouldn't you know, it was all clearanced out and all that remained were frilly little onesies that were clearly for girls. So for his first 4th he got a plain red onesie...I feel like that's a little more his style anyway ;)
Then we came home and we all got ready and decided to head out to the 4th of July celebration that they have downtown in the Square in our town. We hadn't been before and thought it was probably the most family friendly thing going on. So we packed Grayson up and headed down there. And it was crowded. We had to park out in a little field and strolling him outta there was not easy. We finally got to the square, and we were right. It was very family friendly. Pretty much everything was geared for little kids. They had rides and food and a stage with people performing...granted, a two month old doesn't have much appreciation for any of that, but I can see him really having fun there in a couple of years.
The downside is that it was HOT. So freaking hot. Grayson is one hot natured little baby, and after he woke up he was not pleased with us. His face was priceless. He has never glared at us like that in his life. Needless to say we didn't last long. We made a little loop through, got me some Dip'n Dots, and headed out. Then we went out for a yummy little Mexican dinner, came home and watched TV. Not the most exciting 4th, but it was a good one.
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