A Weekend Trip to the OK

Our weekend was a good one, full of friends and family and loooots of driving.

We got to spend a few hours on Friday afternoon with my dad, just chatting and looking at old photos. There were some hilarious ones of of my cousins as children (I'm much younger than all of my cousins on Dad's side, so by the time I was around they were all grown), my parents with bad 80s hair and clothing, and my grandparents hanging out at the dance hall my dad used to own before I came around and ruined all the fun ;) I wish I would have taken some of them so I could share the hilarity with you.

 Addie and Papaw Just Chillin'

I also took a few photos of his baby horses while we were there. My great picture taking expedition was hindered by an unreal amount of disgusting grasshoppers. I hate all bugs, but anything that jumps is at the top of my list. Crickets make me want to cry, and grasshoppers are almost as bad. They were sticking to our car, jumping everywhere, and there were just so many of them. I made Arsen take Addie and I took off running and screaming into the house when we got there so they wouldn't touch me. So needless to say, I took the photos that I did get from a safe distance on his porch.

We then went to my moms for the evening. She's recovering from her gallbladder surgery, so we really just sat around and talked for the most part. Her medicine made her a little drowsy, so we called it an early night. Nothing too exciting, but I'm so glad I got to see her!

Saturday morning we got up bright and early to head for Tulsa. We met up with my friends Nick and Alicia, who just had a baby on St. Patrick's Day and are now living in Indiana. Alicia and I were roommates our freshman year at UCO, and Nick lived on our hall, which is how they met. That year there were four of us girls (Alicia and I and our friends Amanda and Andrea) that were pretty much inseparable. We all met our first day at UCO, and I think coming to school as a freshman not knowing anyone you naturally form a close bond with those around you. I moved to California about two years later, so I unfortunately drifted away from them a bit. I still keep in touch with Alicia pretty frequently, but I hadn't seen any of them in about three years. It was so much fun to catch up and reminisce about our time in college together, and to meet precious little Lizzy! Miss those girls.

Saturday night was spent with my best friend Rachel and her sister Lyndsey. We had a yummy sushi dinner and then went to a nearby bar to have a few drinks. It's hilarious how well Arsen gets along with these girls that I've known almost my entire life...you would think he's known them just as long. In all honesty all they do is make fun of each other, but that's how Arsen shows his affection. But not to me, because I start taking it seriously and then it's not so fun ;)

After our four hour drive home on Sunday we were ready to relax. So that's exactly what we did. Picked up some In N Out, watched TV, and went to bed before 10 pm. For an old married couple that's just about the perfect evening.

Now we're preparing for my dad to come visit this weekend for Father's Day. He never comes to Texas, even though he's only 2 hours away, so I'm super excited! We're planning a cook out and Arsen's parents will probably be joining us, so it should be a pretty good time. I foresee lots of vodka shots and toasts to our future babies in our near future...


  1. CUTE pictures!! But I have to admit I am totally jealous that you had In N Out burger this weekend. Living in Virginia now I TOTALLY miss it so much. We are going to San Diego the first week in July and that is the first place I am heading from the airport!

    1. Why thank you! We've only had an In N Out here for maybe a year now. I lived in CA for awhile and got hooked, so I couldn't have been more excited when they started opening up in Texas! Best. Burgers. EVER!

  2. I love the little thing you added about not liking being made fun of. I'm the same way! I know people do it in a joking way and usually don't mean any harm but I'm a sensitive soul :)

    Looked like a fun weekend! Yum In n Out!


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