Our (not so) Productive Weekend

This weekend was all about relaxation. For the first time in I don't know how long, we literally didn't have a single thing we *had* to do. It was amazing. Of course I was super ambitious going into the weekend, and had a list of about 137 things I wanted to accomplish...and then I didn't.

Last week I was still feeling quite horrible, so when Friday rolled around I wanted nothing more than to put on sweatpants and relax on my couch. And that's basically what I did. We picked up around the house a little bit, but the majority of the evening was spent watching TV in our sweats. Perfection.

Saturday was a bit more productive. I was determined to hit up some garage sales that morning...and then I slept until 9. But I managed to get up and around in time to go to one measly sale before my hair appointment at 11. It was Arsen's first garage sale experience, and he wasn't too impressed. This is a recap of what he told me:

"I don't really get excited about getting new stuff. Like, I don't care if I have new things. So shopping all day to try and find good deals sounds horrible, because I don't care about good deals. I don't need anything".

Sigh. What is wrong with this man, and how are we married? I get more joy out of finding a good deal than I get from almost anything else in life. It's unbelievable. But I digress...

In our 10 minutes of garage sale-ing (not a word?), we did manage to find a couple of things that I was oh-so-excited about. I found these adorable little "cappuccino mugs" (as Arsen called them). There were only three, so not a complete set, but they were $1 for the entire bunch. Are you kidding? I love anything kitchen/dining related, so finding cute cups and dishes and whatnot is pure joy for me.

I also got this little basket for a quarter! I've been meaning to buy a basket or something to keep all of our Wii stuff in, like the remotes and joystick thingys and games, but I keep forgetting. Arsen actually picked up a couple of baskets and was like "Do we need these for anything?". Oh yeah, that's why we're married! I ramble on and on about all the stuff I need to buy, and sometimes he pays attention and reminds me. Nice! I'm actually planning on spray painting it to make it a little cuter. I wanted to do something fun and bright, like blue or yellow, but the look of disgust that came from Arsen when he heard that suggestion shut that idea down real quick. I'll probably go with white. Fun hater.

After my hair appointment where I became a "real" blonde again, we went to a yummy Mexican restaurant, Mattito's, in downtown Frisco for some queso and chips, beer (for him), and fajitas. It was pretty amazing. And so filling. We didn't have another bite to eat for the rest of the day.

Then we decided to hit up Lowe's because I've been obsessed with finally planting something in the pots that have been sitting on our front porch completely empty since we moved in like 10 months ago. After a long, looong time of debating, I picked some pretty pink ones. And no, I don't remember what kind they are. I'm not really an attention-to-detail kind of girl most of the time (I'm trying to improve). But I think they are quite lovely!

The evening was finished up with a Grey's Anatomy marathon and several Bloody Mary's. Quite the perfect Saturday in my opinion.

Sunday we went to visit his parent's, who live about 20 minutes away. We had breakfast with the two of them, his sister, and her two oldest boys. It's always so nice to see everyone, even if it's only for a couple of hours. It's crazy that we live so close to them, but we only see each other every couple of months. Well, we see his parents usually about once a week or so, but his sister and brother and their families, not so much. On our list of things we want to improve upon!

After a quick jog (where my lungs almost gave out) and a bit of cleaning house, the weekend ended the same way it started. On the couch in sweats, watching TV. Overall, it was one of the best weekends we've had in awhile. I guess when you get old, and partying takes so much energy, and the hangovers are SO much worse, and you realize the incredible amounts of money you are blowing on $8 drinks, a quite weekend at home is pretty great :)


  1. What a nice weekend. I love your pretty pink potted plants. Such a nice entrance. :)

    1. Well thank you! Fingers crossed I can keep them alive...my track record isn't great :)

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! My hubby and I are always busy too, I can't wait to have a night watching tv in our pj's! :)


    1. It was definitely much needed! Hope you get your relaxing weekend soon :)


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